Tonight we celebrate the infinite turning of the wheel of time. It is a time of rebirth which also has its antithesis, death. We have the choice to leave behind all the negative energy we may have built up around us and bury it in the past. When we make choices in our lives that turn out not to be good for our overall well-being it is a time to 'choose again'. But all choices must be made from love, love of others as well as love of self. I call this healthy selfishness. We can always ask our angels to help us to choose again. It takes courage as well as discernment but the choices are always our own. It may be easy to let others choose for us, or make choices based on others' needs or wants. But having the discernment to know what is healthy selfishness and the courage to follow through are not always easy. And saying good-bye is never easy, especially to choices that gave us comfort. The sun rises tomorrow in a new solar year that shines its warm light and helps us grow and grow and grow into the best possible human we can be in this limited universe we call life, always remembering we are truly unlimited, loving, spiritual beings. All is well! All is Love! Happy Solstice! Let your Divine light shine!!!